E-Mail 0208 / 45 955 0 Anfahrt Kanzlei

"Um zu überzeugenden Lösungen zu kommen, muss man manchmal auch unkonventionelle Wege gehen."

LAMPE Rechtsanwälte

Bahnstraße 44
45468 Mülheim a. d. Ruhr
Tel: 02 08 / 45 955–0
FAX: 02 08 / 45 955–66
Email: info@lampe-mh.de


"Tradition is not preserving

the ashes but passing on 
the fire.“

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(0208) 45 95 50


We would like to welcome you on the website of our firm Lampe, Attorneys at law.

Should you ever be in need of legal assistance, we'd employ our experience and our professional competence to serve your purposes in the best possible way and would offer you our specialized lawyers' expertise and professional advice.

We dispense our services to private persons, as well as companies, in all matters of law, and take on our clients' legal representation in and out court.

In close cooperation with our clients, we find practical and creative solutions, not only drawing their attention to eventual risks, but also to chances and opportunities, guiding them on their path of attaining the designated goals. In doing so, we openly face all the new challenges, our main priority being the optimal, tailor-made solutions of our clients' matters, resolved in their best interest.

We offer our clients service of legal counseling at highest level, which is always known for its extraordinary personal involvement and dedication of our partners and lawyers.

High quality of our work and absolute reliability of our services, as well as our serious approach to treatment of our client's matters, are key to our firm's success and to the trust bestowed in it by our clients.

LAMPE, Attorneys at law, Tax consultants